Courtesy from Jacksonville. Navy Base. Image. not mine.
I think being in the Navy for many years is good because you can travel and see the parts of the world
other than that as a Navy they can also eat the different kinds of food as well as meet different people. Last month my boyfriend said when you are in the Navy you have to do your Job it's good and enjoy he could see the amazing place, He been to Philippines too which I know because he has a collection like our Philippines money I am glad he been there I am not surprising he were able to tell me that he's Favorite transportation is our Phil. Jeepney he knew that it's been a couple of years not been to Phil. I was asking if he could get back there and see our country he say's you never know maybe yes someday. Some of the things that see is he has several collection from the different countries he went which for me is a good idea because when he retire he could see his stuff to kept as a remembrance from his hard work I am glad he would do that although he been retire already almost two years he got landed a job recently. being in a Navy is a worthy Job even we could say its hard because you been away from your family for a couple of months however it is a job that's also good for benefits.
The advantages of pursuing a career in Navy are endless because it provides will, all you could ever want for yourself and your family. After all, it construes to having an opportunity to serve the country, thereby fostering the freedom and democracy attributes all across the globe. Even if the work is sometimes difficult and life-threatening, the various benefits of getting associated with the Navy after college alone wonderfully surpasses them. I am just thinking if my son well be like in the Navy when he gets big I ask him he said he want to be a firefighter either policeman we never know.